Well-being, Public Policies and Sustainable Development
26-27 Jan 2024
Maison de la Recherche Sorbonne-Nouvelle, 4 rue des Irlandais, 75006 PARIS - Paris (France)
Within the framework of Sorbonne-Alliance 2023, Sorbonne-Nouvelle University and Panthéon-Sorbonne University are organizing an international interdisciplinary conference on well-being and sustainable human development.
The aim is to discuss well-being in relation to the history of economic thought and evolution of government policies, and to consider how well-being perspectives may have changed following recent challenges such as Brexit for the United Kingdom, the COVID-19 health crisis and current inflation challenges. How can we reconcile economic measurement with humanism, in order to help governments promote the well-being of their population and sustainable human development? How was well-being used in public policies before and after 2009 when it gained prominence following the Stiglitz-Fitoussi-Sen report? The goal is to identify best practices and policies, and to consider threats and possible solutions. Finally, we will discuss how different well-being perspectives can address current and future environmental, social and economic challenges.
Scientific domain :
Quantitative Finance - Environmental Sciences - Humanities and Social Sciences - Statistics
Place of the conference