France-Argentine Workshop on Emerging Phenomena at the Nanoscale 2023

4-5 sept. 2023
Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies - Palaiseau (France)

Second France-Argentine Workshop on Emerging Phenomena at the Nanoscale 2023. The objective of this workshop is to gather French and Argentinian researchers working on different aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology, and identify potential synergies among the following scientific axes: 1) Novel acoustic interactions at the nanoscale (optical, magnetic, electrical) 2) Enabling material platforms (magnetic, 2Dmat, mesoporous and soft materials) 3) Micro and nanofluidic devices
Discipline scientifique :  Matériaux - Polymères - Matière Condensée - Optique - Acoustique - Matériaux - Micro et nanotechnologies/Microélectronique - Optique / photonique

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