The Fourth International Workshop on ACeSYRI: Modern Experience for PhD students and Young Researchers

26-28 sept. 2023
Université de Lorraine - Nancy (Francia)

The Fourth Workshop on ACeSYRI: Modern Experience for PhD students and Young Researchers is organized in the frame of ERASMUS+ ACeSYRI (Advanced Centre for PhD students and young researchers in informatics) project ( 610166-EPP-1-2019-1-SK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP). The main objective of the event is to bring together PhD students, young researchers, and teachers from the academy as well as industry working in Informatics. We expect that young workshop participants will obtain useful information about modern trends in Informatics. The young researchers will make also short presentations about their own research, and the workshop should allow them to discuss it with recognized experts. The Fourth Workshop on ACeSYRI is managed by the Research Center for Automatic Control of Nancy (CRAN) which is a joint research unit between the University of Lorraine and the French National Scientific Research Center (CNRS) and Faculty of Management Science and Informatics of the University of Žilina. The workshop is supported by the ACeSYRI project. Participation The workshop ACeSYRI 2023 will be combined (online and presented) forms. Topics We invite PhD students, young researchers and University teachers to prepare different presentations and papers for the workshop. We solicit research papers on all areas of Informatics and Computer Science. Both theoretical and application papers in the field of engineering and human life are considered.
Disciplina científica :  Computer Science - Automatic

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