SFNano Annual Meeting 2023
4-6 Dec 2023
Corum - Montpellier (France)
The SFNano meeting 2023 aims at gathering the scientific communities in nanomedicine and nanotechnology and will take place in Montpellier from December 4th to 6th, 2023. The program will include plenary lectures and sessions on different research areas: NANOMATERIALS FOR THERAPY, NUCLEIC ACIDS DELIVERY, INORGANIC AND HYBRID NANOMATERIALS, ORGANIC NANOMATERIALS, and NANOSYSTEMS FOR IMAGING AND DIAGNOSTICS.
This meeting is dedicated to all scientists in nanotechnology and nanomedicine, including academic and industrial researchers, physicians, engineers, PhD students, post-docs…
A particular session is driven by the SFNano Young group underlying our objective to promote exchanges between students and their professional environment.
In addition, a poster session will be opened for contributions and an exhibition area will be organized for sponsors and partners. A ceremony will be also organized to reward the best oral and poster presentations(PhD students and postdoc < 2 years).
Scientific domain :
Life Sciences - Pharmaceutical sciences
Place of the conference