How social media change the journalistic sphere: cross-cultural perspectives on the circulation of digital posts on news media websites

27-27 oct. 2023
Online with Zoom - Oxford (Royaume-Uni)

The growing popularity of social media has strongly encouraged linguists to analyse digital corpora which include a large number of digital posts circulating from one social network to another, due to the multiple interactions made by social media users. It would now seem of interest to assess how traditional news media focus on the digital posts published on social media. Some digital posts generated on social media tend to be “recycled” by traditional news media on their websites. This means that one single digital post published by an artist or an athlete, for instance, can be quoted and shared by a quality paper or a magazine on their official websites. We thus notice a shift from an individual and isolated speech act on social media to the advertising of this post for a widespread audience on news media websites, which might elicit numerous comments from their readers. Our research topic focuses on the endorsement of an individual's opinion and its circulation by the “Fourth Estate”. It investigates and analyses the different strategies implemented by news media websites to create articles including embedded digital posts from social media.

A workshop on this topic will be held online with Zoom on October 27th 2023 from 2pm to 6pm (French time). The abstracts for the oral presentations should be submitted by July 31st 2023 on this platform for the scientific committee to review: Pr. Sophie Marnette (University of Oxford), Pr. Pascal Marty (Maison Française d'Oxford), Pr. Laurence Rosier (Université libre de Bruxelles), Pr. Françoise Sullet-Nylander (Stockholms universitet), Dr. Grégoire Lacaze (Aix-Marseille Université).

After a double-blind peer-reviewing process, some papers will be selected for publication in December 2024 in the Open Access electronic journal e-Rea:

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Discipline scientifique :  Linguistique

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