Brest Workshop on Environmental Physics and Signal Processing 2023

19-21 jun. 2023
The Brest workshop of Environmental Physics and Signal Processing will take place at Technopole Brest Iroise, very close to the city of Brest and 5 minutes walking from the beach. Seminars will take place at the amphitheater of IMT Atlantique. - Brest (Francia)

The Brest workshop on environmental physics and signal processing (EPSP) aims at bringing together first-line scientists from different domains: physics, mathematics, signal processing, oceanography, climate, remote sensing, etc in order to facilitate discussions and promote a better understanding of the environment. The first edition of EPSP is devoted to ocean and climate science.
Disciplina científica :  Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability - Fluid Dynamics - Signal and Image processing - Machine Learning

Lugar de la conferencia
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