IMJ-PRG SUMMER SCHOOL 2023 — Microlocal and probabilistic methods in geometry and dynamics

3-7 Jul 2023
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris) - Paris (France)

XXXX The aim of microlocal analysis is to describe the singularities of solutions to (linear) partial differential equations. Some spectacular progress was achieved recently in this field, in connection with other problems arising in hyperbolic dynamics and geometry. The aim of this summer school is to provide young researchers with the tools to understand these analytic techniques, be they of microlocal or probabilistic nature, and to show how these techniques apply in active research areas : hyperbolic dynamics, random surfaces, geometric inverse problems. There will be four mini-courses : — Colin Guillarmou (Université Paris-Saclay) on Geometric Inverse Problems, — Malo Jézéquel (MIT) on Pollicott-Ruelle resonances in hyperbolics dynamics, — Laura Monk — Jared Wunsch XX
Scientific domain :  Analysis of PDEs - Differential Geometry - Dynamical Systems - Metric Geometry - Probability - Spectral Theory

Place of the conference
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