8th European Phycological Congress

20-25 Aug 2023
 - Brest (France)


The European Phycological Congress series began in Cologne (Germany) in 1996 and has ever since continued the tradition of bringing together, every four years, phycologists from across the world. Its overarching objective is to provide a forum for discussion of latest scientific, technological and societal developments in phycological research. The Congress includes plenary presentations, a series of symposia, contributed papers and posters covering a range of topics spanning from algal diversity, ecology, genomics, cell biology,and applied phycology and society's perception of algae. To foster cross-linking of communities, each symposium is intended to cover, whenever feasible, both micro- and macroalgae from marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems. Each symposium is organized by two conveners.
Scientific domain :  Biodiversity and Ecology - Global Changes - Ocean, Atmosphere - Genomics - Molecular Networks - Reproductive Biology - Populations and Evolution - Systematics, Phylogenetics and taxonomy - Botanics

Place of the conference
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