CUIDADO : Debido a una intervención en la red de servidores, nuestro servicio Sciencesconf se interrumpirá el martes 18 de junio entre las 12:00 y las 12:30 (CET).

SMEF 11 - Symposium of Morphometrics and Evolution of Shape

30 jun.-2 jul. 2021
Online - Montpellier (Francia)

The Symposium on Morphometrics and Evolution of Shape (SMEF) is organized every two years in France and is open to anyone interested in the evolution of biological forms (paleontology, anthropology, development, archaeology, medicine, evolutionary sciences, bioinformatics, etc.). It is an opportunity to federate the community around new developments and ongoing applied researches.
Disciplina científica :  Environmental Sciences - Sciences of the Universe - Life Sciences - Humanities and Social Sciences - Engineering Sciences - Statistics

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