CUIDADO : Debido a una intervención en la red de servidores, nuestro servicio Sciencesconf se interrumpirá el martes 18 de junio entre las 12:00 y las 12:30 (CET).

Journees Louis-Andre Gerard-Varet 2019

13-14 jun. 2019
 - Aix-en-Provence (Francia)

Launched in 2002, this conference has become the most important yearly conference in public economics in Europe. It aims to promote and diffuse high quality research, with a special emphasis on articles that shed light on 'real world' policy making. In this sense, this conference is in the spirit of the project developed by the late Louis-André Gérard-Varet. This path is followed by the research community at the Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE) and through valorisation of research and policy analysis at the "Institut d'Economie Publique" (IDEP - French institute for public economics).
Disciplina científica :  Economies and finances

Lugar de la conferencia
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