CUIDADO : Debido a una intervención en la red de servidores, nuestro servicio Sciencesconf se interrumpirá el martes 18 de junio entre las 12:00 y las 12:30 (CET).

The Ionization Fraction of the Interstellar Medium

18-19 nov. 2021
Université Le Havre Normandie LOMC-UMR6294, bâtiment COREVA, 53 rue de Prony, 76058 Le Havre - Le Havre (Francia)

In this workshop, we aim at gathering observers, modelers and chemical-physicists and discuss how recent advances in observational capabilities, model development, and experimental and theoretical studies of the key microphysical processes can shed a new light on our knowledge of the ionization fraction in the interstellar medium. The workshop will include 4 invited review talks (30-45 min), and most of the time will be dedicated to short contributed talks (10-15min) for which abstract submissions will open in September. The meeting will be limited to 40 participants. The accommodation and meals will be supported by PCMI and the local sponsors.
Disciplina científica :  Astrophysics - Atomic Physics - Chemical Physics - Quantum Physics - Astrophysics - Galactic Astrophysics

Lugar de la conferencia
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