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SCTE 2022 International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements

13-17 Jun 2022
Campus peixoto, Université de Bordeaux - Bordeaux (France)


The SCTE Conference, organized biannually, is traditionally aimed to provide a platform to discuss recent discoveries and progress in research on solid compounds containing d- and f-electron elements - in the field of solid state chemistry, physics and materials science. It is also a unique opportunity to exchange ideas with other scientists in informal atmosphere and to start new collaboration. The conference will address the latest progress in these fields in plenary talks to be given by experts for all the participants as well as invited lectures and oral contributions during parallel sessions for specialists in particular fields, and in poster presentations. TOPICS: 1 - Synthesis and characterization of new compounds of transition elements (local probe, in situ, crystal chemistry, large scale facilities, high entropy alloys, complex metal alloys...) 2 - Thermodynamics / Crystal chemistry / Phase equilibria and phase transitions 3 - Magnetic, transport and optical properties; multifunctional phenomena. 4 - Topological and correlated matter (Superconductors, Heavy fermion, Quantum critical phenomena... ) 5 - Physical and chemical properties at the nanometric scale: particles, films, interfaces 6 - Theory: electronic structure, chemical bonding 7 - Energy (hydrogen storage and production, fuel cells, electrochemical storage,magnetocaloric cooling, thermoelectrics ...) 8 - Recycling (Elemental : Rare Earth, PGM, Lithium,../ Gas and Liquid Process : Supercritical, Melted salt electrolysis...) 9 - Heterogeneous Catalysis and electrocatalysis based on intermetallics (Ammonia, ....)
Scientific domain :  Chemical Sciences - Physics

Place of the conference
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