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27 Sep-5 Oct 2021
IGBMC - Strasbourg (France)


PATHBIO: an international training program for precision mouse phenotyping Design and production of genetically engineered mouse strains by individual research laboratories, research teams, large-scale consortia, and the biopharmaceutical industry have magnified the need for qualified personnel to identify, annotate, and validate (phenotype) these potentially new mouse models of human disease. The PATHBIO project has been recently established and funded by the European Union's ERASMUS+ Knowledge Alliance program to address the current shortfall in formally trained personnel. A series of teaching workshops will be given by experts on anatomy, histology, embryology, imaging, and comparative pathology to increase the availability of individuals with formal training to contribute to this important niche of Europe's biomedical research enterprise. These didactic and hands-on workshops are organized into three modules: (1) embryology, anatomy, histology, and the anatomical basis of imaging, (2) image-based phenotyping, and (3) pathology. The workshops are open to all levels of participants from recent graduates to Ph.D., M.D., and veterinary scientists. Participation is available on a competitive basis at no cost for attending. The first series of Workshop Modules was held in 2019 and these will continue for the next 2 years.
Scientific domain :  Animal biology

Place of the conference
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