Semantic Shifts from Lexicon to Grammar – Diachronic and Typological Perspectives

12-23 sept. 2022
Frejus - Destremau (IGESA Center) - Frejus (France)

The CNRS 2022 Summer School on “Semantic shifts from lexicon to grammar – diachronic and typological perspectives” will be held near the city of Frejus in the south of France from 12th to 23rd September 2022. The main objective of this Summer School is to explore the crossover between two different traditions of research in semantics – grammaticalization and lexical semantics – from a range of perspectives such as language contact, areal linguistics, lexical typology and diachronic semantics, as well as corpus linguistics and computer-assisted methodologies.
Discipline scientifique :  Linguistique

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