Archaeology of coastal settlements and human/environment interactions in the Atlantic north of the Equator

28 sept.-2 oct. 2021
Île d'Oléron (Charente-Maritime, Nouvelle Aquitaine) - Le Château d'Oléron (France)

The second international conference "HOMER 2021" (10 years after the first edition held in Vannes, aims to propose a broad scientific meeting on the question of the archaeology of coastal settlements and human/environment interactions around recent advances in coastal and island archaeology. The geographical area of this second edition concerns the Atlantic north of the equator. On the one hand, it will generate syntheses and confrontations of experiences in the various countries of Europe and North and Central America and, on the other hand, a prospective study on developments in archaeology and archaeometry research in the coastal field. The various sessions will take stock, ten years later, on issues such as island and coastal cultural identities, interrelationships between communities, on the coastal structures, on the evolution of the maritime landscapes, on the production and use of raw materials, but also on methodological issues and new challenges of coastal archaeology (lato sensu). The Homer 2020 conference will take place from the 28th September-and 3rd October 2020, on the island of Oléron (Charente-Maritime, Nouvelle-Aquitaine), situated on the French Atlantic coast,a location rich prehistoric, historical and archaeological past. There will be an attractive program of excursions and events allowing participants to discover the exceptional isular and coastal heritage of this region. The Homer 2020 conference is organised by the CReAAH Joint Research Unit (Research Center in Archeology, Archeology and History, UMR 6566) and the DRAC Nouvelle-Aquitaine, with the support of the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), the Ministry of Culture, universities of La Rochelle, Poitiers, Nantes (OSUNA), Rennes (OSUR) the Charente-Maritime department, the Château d'Oléron parish, the parishes community of Oléron island, the Inrap (National institute of preventive archaeological research) and also the Ministry of Outre-Mer. The official languages of the conference will be French and English, and the papers and debates will be translated simultaneously. The sessions will host oral communications and posters.
Discipline scientifique :  Archéologie et Préhistoire

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