12th International Conference on Elastic, Electrical, Transport, and Optical Properties on Inhomogeneous Media

4-8 juil. 2022
ENSMM - Besançon (France)


The aim of the ETOPIM12 meeting is to discuss experimental and theoretical developments in the field of inhomogeneous media. In particular, the following topics will be discussed:
Electromagnetic and optical properties of metamaterials,
Transport and localization in random media,
New types of transport phenomena,
Novel materials,
Topological insulators,
Space-time microstructures,
Subwavelength resolution in electromagnetic and acoustic imaging,
Effective properties of composites and Homogenization theory,
Cloaking and Limitations to Cloaking,
Elastic and Acoustic Metamaterials,
Coupled waves in metamaterials,
Seismic Metamaterials.
Discipline scientifique :  Mathématiques - Equations aux dérivées partielles - Systèmes dynamiques - Théorie des groupes - Physique mathématique - Analyse numérique - Théorie spectrale - Physique

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