Congress of PhD Students of ED 182

28-28 mars 2025
Collège doctoral européen de l'université de Strasbourg - 46 Boulevard de la Victoire - Strasbourg (France)

Many scientists agree that multidisciplinarity is an important factor and many of their best ideas come in collaboration with people that are not from their own domain. In this area the ED 182 is very well placed, having students working in chemistry, physics and even biology, from the smallest to the largest objects. This congress is a great opportunity to students in all these different domains to interact and maybe have a spark of creativity for their own work. It also allows them to gather experience in a congress environment, where their work will be judged by their peers in a constructive way. The program also allows the newcomers to discover the various activities of the ED and some of the paths available for their future, from academia to industry.
Discipline scientifique :  Chimie - Physique

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