Congress of PhD Students of Strasbourg's Doctoral school for Earth and Environmental Sciences (ED413)
18-18 mars 2025
Amphithéatre du Collège Doctoral Européen (CDE) - Strasbourg (France)
The Earth and Environmental Sciences Doctoral School's Doctoral Student Congress is an opportunity for all doctoral students to meet and present their work in a convivial setting. It is also an opportunity for lecturers and master's students to meet PhD students from their laboratories.
The meeting is organized by the Ecole Doctorale des Sciences de la Terre et de l'Environnement (ED413), the Institut Terre Environnement Strasbourg (UMR 7063-ITES) and the Laboratoire Image, Ville, Environnement (UMR 7362-LIVE).
Discipline scientifique :
Sciences de l'environnement - Planète et Univers - Sciences du Vivant - Sciences de l'Homme et Société
Lieu de la conférence