Control of PDEs: beyond automatic and mathematics.
7-11 avr. 2025
Centre Paul Langevin CNRS - Aussois (France)
This spring school will be about control of partial differential equations (PDEs). It will take from the 7th of April 2025 to the 11th of April 2025 in the "Centre Paul Langevin", located in Aussois. The goal of this school is to provide to the students some tools for the study of control of PDEs. Indeed, due to the infinite-dimensional nature of such systems, the control of the latter requires different tools from the existing ones in the control of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). 5 different courses will bring you a good idea of the challenges and the solutions to them in this context. Here is the list of the teachers their related topics: - Frédéric Boyer (Models of Cosserat rods). - Sébastien Fueyo (Frequency and algebraic approaches for the controllability of hyperbolic equations). - Christophe Prieur (Lyapunov functions for PDEs) - Marius Tucsnak (Optimal control for PDEs).
Discipline scientifique :
Mathématiques - Equations aux dérivées partielles - Sciences de l'ingénieur - Automatique / Robotique
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