The First National Conference on Research in Mathematics and Education

3-3 mai 2025
The Higher School of Education and Training of Agadir (ESEFA), Ibnou Zohr University. - Agadir (Maroc)

The main aim of the First National Conference on Research in Mathematics and Education (NCRME) is to encourage researchers, teachers, trainers and anyone concerned with issues relating to mathematics, its teaching and training to discuss recent advances in this field. It also aims to promote the learning of mathematics and establish a platform for the sharing of professional knowledge between mathematicians from different disciplines. - Bringing together Ph.D. students and researchers in mathematics and education - Strengthen cooperation between the academic and educational worlds - Offer a presentation platform for young researchers - Encouraging teacher training - Creating a professional network
Discipline scientifique :  Intelligence artificielle - Mathématiques - Equations aux dérivées partielles - Analyse classique - Systèmes dynamiques - Mathématiques générales - Physique mathématique

Lieu de la conférence
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