Pollux @ HWO 2025

22-23 janv. 2025
Meudon site of the Paris Observatory - Meudon (France)


Researchers and engineers will gather at the Meudon site of the Paris Observatory on January 22-23, 2025 to discuss the Pollux instrument for NASA's Habitable Worlds Observatory (HWO) flagship mission. In particular, the Pollux workshop will allow us to finalize the science cases and the requirements for the Pollux instrument. In addition, the European organization of the Pollux consortium and the planning of activities for the GoMAP phase will be discussed. A large fraction of the time will be devoted to discussions. All members of the Pollux team, as well as any other researchers or engineers interested in Pollux, are welcome to attend the workshop. Registration is free but mandatory. The meeting will be held in the Conference room of the Castle building (building 10, with the big dome) at the Meudon site of the Paris Observatory in Meudon, France. Entrance for pedestrians is on place Jules Janssen while for cars it is on 11 avenue Marcelin Berthelot.
Discipline scientifique :  Astrophysique

Lieu de la conférence
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