NonlInear Cell photONics
2-4 avr. 2025
Campus Valrose Université Côte d'Azur - Nice (France)
The overarching ICON project entails a multifaceted approach with distinct objectives. It aims to consolidate ongoing research initiatives at UniCA, encompassing various aspects of photonics and life sciences, from experimental and applied methods to numerical modeling. Additionally, the project seeks to enrich these endeavors by integrating external insights and expertise, fostering collaborations with researchers from France and beyond. A key objective is to strengthen interdisciplinary dimensions through internships and scientific visits, particularly benefiting PhD students,providing them with valuable exposure and experience. Moreover, the initiative serves as a dynamic platform for showcasing UniCA's research to external communities, explicitly aiming to catalyze new collaborations and partnerships. These comprehensive objectives underscore the initiative's profound impact on advancing research at the intersection of photonics and life sciences.
Discipline scientifique :
Chimie organique - Biotechnologie - Traitement du signal et de l'image - Biophysique - Optique - Sciences du Vivant - Optique / photonique
Lieu de la conférence