3rd Antarctic Atmospheric Rivers' Group workshop
5-8 mai 2025
This will be a hybrid workshop with physical attendance on the Institut des Géosciences de l'Environnement (IGE) on the Université Grenoble Alpes campus. Details for remote attendance will be provided at a later date. - Saint Martin d'Hères (France)
The atmospheric rivers that make landfall in Antarctica create extreme atmospheric conditions that have a major influence on ice melt, snowfall and the stability of glacial plateaus. Over the past two years, a series of extreme events have highlighted their key role in Antarctic climate and surface mass balance, and offered the opportunity to develop collaborations, as after the exceptional heatwave of March 15-19, 2022 was made possible. This collaboration took the form of annual workshops and the creation of the Antarctic Atmopsheric rivers Group (AARG). The aim of these workshops was to promote collaboration between different institutes and to analyze the current state of our research. Last year, in Boulder, Colorado, the AARG workshop led to the writing of a review paper on the state of knowledge on atmospheric rivers in Antarctica (under review). It now seems necessary to widen our field of action and see if other communities could offer complementary knowledge, new visions that could break down current blocking points. This is the case in the Arctic, where multi-disciplinary studies are being carried out by significantly different research communities. The aim of this new workshop in Grenoble, from May 5 to 8, 2025, is to aggregate the current state of knowledge on Antarctica, but also to broaden our scope and propose wider discussions, for example on the Arctic. It's also about exploring the value of new multidisciplinary studies that could offer a new vision of atmospheric rivers. And to find time for a nice walk in the French Alps after the conference.
Discipline scientifique :
Sciences de l'environnement - Milieux et Changements globaux
Lieu de la conférence