12th Aquatic Virus Workshop (AVW12)
4-9 mai 2025
AVW12 will be held in the Oceanologic Observatory of Banyuls, which is a marine station located on the Mediterranean Sea in the south of France in the department of the Eastern Pyrenees a stone's throw away from the Spanish border. - Banyuls-sur-Mer (France)
We are pleased to announce the 12th edition of the Aquatic Virus Workshop to be held in the Oceanologic Observatory of Banyuls-sur-Mer, France. AVW brings together world-class research on viruses of microbes and protists from aquatic environments from around the globe. This year's theme is "from Virus Traits to Cellular Fates" aimed to foster exchange on all aspects of aquatic viral biology including diversity, evolution, ecology, population modelling, structure and function, as well as the role of viruses on ecosystem function and processes.
Discipline scientifique :
Biodiversité et Ecologie - Virologie
Lieu de la conférence