New Microscopies For Cell Biology 2

16-16 janv. 2025
Institut Jacques Monod - Paris (France)

The two GDRs AQV (Quantitative approaches to living systems) and Imabio are organizing a joint workshop on the 16th of January 2024 at Institut Jacques Monod (IJM) in Paris on new microscopies in cell biology. The goal is to gather scientists from biology, physical engineering and data science to discuss new quantitative imaging strategies to: i- measure physical descriptors of the cell organization and functions; ii- improve the imaging resolution; iii-make smart microscopes that are more efficient at capturing processes of interest; To reach these goals, concepts such as co-design, inversion algorithms, deep and machine learning will be discussed among other approaches. Confirmed speakers are: Juliette Azimzadeh (IJM), Victor Barolle (Institut Langevin), Ricardo Henriques (IGC, UCL), Kheya Sengupta (CINaM), Vincent Studer (IINS) and Ilaria Testa (KTH).
Discipline scientifique :  Biomécanique - Biophysique - Instrumentations et Détecteurs - Biophysique - Organisation et fonctions cellulaires - Optique / photonique - Sciences de l'ingénieur

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