Bio-processing Tours 2024

6-6 sept. 2024
The workshop will take place in Tours, in the Loire Valley, France, on September 6, 2024. It will focus on the challenges and prospects of bio-processing. Highlights include plenary sessions, discussions, and a visit to Château de Villandry. - Tours (France)

The workshop will explore how PAT can be utilized to enhance the efficiency and quality of bio-processing. It will discuss the latest advancements in PAT, as well as the challenges faced by researchers and practitioners in this field. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from industry experts, share their own experiences, and discuss best practices. They will also have the chance to network with other like-minded professionals. We look forward to explore the challenges and prospects of bio-processing with Process Analytical Technology (PAT).
Discipline scientifique :  Chimie - Chimie analytique - Chemo-informatique - Biologie cellulaire - Bio-Informatique, Biologie Systémique - Biotechnologies - Sciences pharmaceutiques

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