13th Maghreb-Europe days

14-16 nov. 2024
Skanes Serail Hotel - Monastir (Tunisie)


MADICA 2024 is the succession of a biannual series whose first MADICA symposium was organized in October 1996 within the framework of a mixed commission cooperative project between the Faculty of Sciences of Monastir and the INSA of Lyon, supported by the French Cultural Centre in Tunis. The success of this symposium stems from the participation of many people from different diverse backgrounds and institutions from different European counties and the Maghreb. Articles, after submission, are considered for examination and publication in special issues in renowned international journals. The themes addressed during these MADICA 2024 days will revolve around 3 principal axes: 1 Sensors and devices for health 2 Sensors and devices for environment 3 Sensors and devices for agriculture
Discipline scientifique :  Matériaux - Chimie thérapeutique - Matière Condensée - Biodiversité - Ecologie, Environnement - Sciences pharmaceutiques - Santé publique et épidémiologie - Toxicologie - Acoustique - Micro et nanotechnologies/Microélectronique

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