Education in Green Conservation

16-17 janv. 2025
Centre Malher, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Amphithéâtre Dupuis, 9 rue Malher, Paris - Paris (France)

GoGreen European Workshop - Education in Green Conservation GoGreen is a major European consortium currently developing environmentally-friendly solutions to protecting cultural heritage. The consortium is gathering major institutions involved in the training of conservators (e.g., Courtauld, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, University of Amsterdam, University of Bologna), as well as institutions in which science departments develop specific training activities based on art conservation aims and practice (e.g., ENS Paris-Saclay, University of Amsterdam). The workshop will review the state of the art and explore how new contents towards greener conservation processes, including new chemical developments and digital decision-making tools, can better be inserted into the training programs of conservators, physicists, chemists and instrumentalists in Europe. The workshop will bring together an international multidisciplinary panel made of experts in green conservation, education specialists in pedagogy and educational sciences, including chemical education and environmental sciences.
Discipline scientifique :  Chimie - Informatique - Mathématiques - Physique - Sciences de l'environnement - Sciences de l'Homme et Société - Sciences de l'ingénieur - Statistiques

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