Challenges of the Algerian Economy in the Third Millennium: Digitization and the informal economy

23-24 oct. 2024
Oum El Bouaghi University, Algeria Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences - Oum El Bouaghi (Algérie)

Algeria, like many other countries around the world, suffers from the widespread presence of the informal economy. This leads to economic indicators such as unemployment, formal labor force, income, or consumption being calculated at values lower than their true worth, which doesn't reflect the actual economic reality. Additionally, the informal economy has a detrimental effect on the state's general budget by reducing tax revenues. In light of the rapid growth of the informal economy in Algeria, it is important for all economic actors to consider effective and innovative solutions to combat and adapt to the informal economy. This can be achieved through the use of digitization and the new financial systems and products it provides, which can facilitate the process of restoring confidence between the financial system and all sectors of informal activities. Conference Topics: Addressing the problem of this conference is based on the following Tracks: Informal economy: - Conceptual rooting of the informal economy; - Forms of the informal economy in Algeria - The reality and challenges of integrating the informal economy in Algeria. - Presenting international experiences in the field of the informal economy phenomenon. Digitization: - Conceptual rooting of digital transformation; - Forms and strategies of digital transformation; - Digital transformation in light of financial technology; - The importance of developing digital services in economic sectors; - Digitization in the service sector; - International experiences in the field of digital transformation . Using digital transformation to control the informal economy - The contribution of the digitization of the banking system to combating the informal economy; - The role of tax digitization in combating tax evasion and fraud - Digitization of the trade sector and its role in combating the informal economy ; - Investing in modern technologies (smart and artificial systems, smart cities) and their role in combating the informal economy ; - Developing aspects of digitization (digital banking, digital commerce, digital currencies and money, etc.). And its role in reducing the sources of the informal economy.
Discipline scientifique :  Économie et finance quantitative - Finance - Econométrie de la finance - Microstructure des marchés

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