RAMSES School 2024

4-5 nov. 2024
ENS-Lyon - Lyon (France)


This school is designed to train new users of the RAMSES code. This code is used to simulate a wide range of astrophysical objects, from cosmological volumes to the formation of individual stars. The school will last two days, and will include (1) a brief and practical introduction to the use HPC environments, (2) a practical introduction to downloading, compiling, and using RAMSES for generic test cases, and (3) projects where participants will learn to set up, run, and analyze full-scale scientific experiments, choosing a project close to their fields of research.
Discipline scientifique :  Astrophysique - Cosmologie et astrophysique extra-galactique - Astrophysique galactique - Phénomènes cosmiques de haute energie - Astrophysique stellaire et solaire

Lieu de la conférence
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