13th Barrande-Vltava French-Czech Chemistry Meeting 2024

1-3 sept. 2024
Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne Campus Croix Rouge - Reims (France)


The aim of the Barrande-Vltava French-Czech Chemistry Meetings is to offer French and Czech junior and senior researchers a yearly forum in molecular and supramolecular chemistry in order to reinforce existing and foster future collaborations between academic institutions of France and of the Czech Republic, and implement them in the frame of bilateral programmes, such as: Hubert Curien "Barrande" exchange Program (PHC), PhD cotutelle fellowship of the Embassy of France in the Czech Republic, International Project of Scientific Cooperation of the CNRS. The meetings comprise a two-day scientific programme, usually starting on Monday, in order to allow the participants to arrive on Sunday afternoon, a welcome party being organized in the evening. They combine plenary and invited lectures delivered by senior faculty members and oral communications delivered by graduate students of both countries. In addition, a poster session organized in a convivial atmosphere allows the participants to meet with each other and establish the first contacts. Topics of contributions cover all aspects of molecular chemistry, and reflect the diversity of the chemistry that is performed in both countries: Organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, coordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, electrochemistry, photochemistry, theoretical chemistry, with applications in synthetic methodology and natural product synthesis, catalysis, molecular recognition and sensing, biochemistry, materials science, molecular electronics and photonics, and medicine (imaging and therapy). To emphasize the long history of the fruitful French-Czech scientific cooperation, the name of Joachim Barrande, a French palaeontologist who studied the fossils of central Bohemia was joined to the original name of the conference, which is since 2018 « Barrande-Vltava French Czech Chemistry Meeting ».
Discipline scientifique :  Chimie

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