International Conference on Advanced Materials Innovation and their Industrial Applications ICAM2IA’2024

19-20 avr. 2024
Ecole Normale Supérieure de l'Enseignement Technique BP 159 Bd Hassan II Mohammedia - Mohammedia (Maroc)

The 1st International Conference on Advanced Materials Innovation and their Industrial Applications (ICAM2IA'2024). This conference will be held in Mohammedia, Morocco from 19 – 20 April 2024. ICAM2IA'2024 amounts to an optimal platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world. The participants will have the opportunity to present their research results and development activities in advanced materials science, aiming to promote the sustainable developments of Morocco.
Discipline scientifique :  Chimie - Physique - Sciences de l'environnement - Sciences de l'ingénieur

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