14ème Journées Thématiques FAERE 2024 (International conference) Environment, Policies, and Risks: Heterogeneities in Climate Change and Sustainability

28-29 nov. 2024
Auditorium du Centre des Colloques Campus Condorcet 8, cours des Humanités 93322 Aubervilliers CEDEX - Campus Condorcet, Aubervilliers (France)


Climate change and disruptive technologies are causing growing concerns about the future trajectories of environmental transition that our societies will experience. The outcomes in terms of labour market opportunities, business strategies, consumption's patterns, and energy choices are uncertain. The heterogeneity of risks and their impacts calls for appropriate policies to address environmental degradation and pursue social equity. The 14th JT FAERE 2024 will focus on heterogeneities, climate change and sustainability. The diversity of social values, technological trajectories, financial markets, income and environmental inequalities results in heterogeneous responses to environmental damages at individual, sectoral and aggregate levels. New dimensions of conflict and cooperation emerge, depending on the interests at stake. This conference aims to gather theoretical and applied contributions in economics, in order to improve our understanding of the heterogeneous strategies developed by firms, investors, consumers, and policy makers in the face of climate change, its causes and its consequences. In the context of the 14th JT FAERE, we encourage contributions dealing with the following topics: - new dimensions and diversity of climate-related risks, financial markets ; - heterogeneous effects on labour markets, inequality, just transitions ; - interplay between climate change and technological innovations ; - firms' and consumers' strategies, energy choices ; - heterogeneous political responses, environmental policies. This list is not exclusive, and we strongly encourage the submission of relevant contributions dealing broadly with the envisaged topics. All presentations will be in English. The event is organized by the CEPN with the support of FAERE, University Sorbonne Paris Nord and Fondation pour la modélisation en économie (Labex MME-DDI) and is also supported by INFER network, Chair Energy & Prosperity, Chair Climate Economics.
Discipline scientifique :  Économie et finance quantitative - Sciences de l'environnement - Economies et finances - Etudes de l'environnement - Méthodes et statistiques - Statistiques

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