PhD School: Optimizing Transportation and Logistics under Uncertainty

22-24 sept. 2024
IMT Atlantique is an engineering school of the Institut Mines Telecom network. The conference will be organized in the Nantes site of IMT Atlantique by the modelis team of the CNRS mixed laboratory LS2N. - Nantes (France)

Associated with the 11th INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop on the Optimization of Transportation and Logistics under Uncertainty, IMT Atlantique and LS2N organize a doctoral school on the same topic. The event will gather arond 25 doctoral students and young researcher to offer three days of training on vehicle routing and transportation network design under uncertainty. The workshop is associated to the Transportation Science and Logistics Society of INFORMS. The doctoral school beneficiates from the support of the CRC Lab project in collaboration with the CRC Services company and funded by ANR under grant ANR-21-LCV1-0014.
Discipline scientifique :  Recherche opérationnelle

Lieu de la conférence
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