Corpus Methods in Linguistics – compilation, annotation and statistical analysis
3-7 juin 2024
Université Paris 8, Vincennes - Saint Denis - Paris (France)
Participants will learn how to:
--formulate advanced search queries in a concordancer (e.g. TextSTAT, AntConc)
--compile a text corpus with BootCaT
--automatically annotate a text corpus in TreeTagger
--manually annotate a text corpus in UAM CorpusTool
--measure keyword specificity and collocation strength using AntConc
--perform exploratory statistical techniques for complexity reduction, such as multiple correspondence analysis and principal components analysis
--perform exploratory statistical techniques for classification, such as hierarchical cluster analysis and k-medoid cluster analysis
--perform confirmatory statistical analysis such as binary logistic regression and mixed-effects logistic regression
Discipline scientifique :
Linguistique - Psychologie - Sociologie - Méthodes et statistiques - Apprentissage Machine - Applications
Lieu de la conférence