Engineering Students Projects for Open Innovation and Research (Espoir 2024)

17-17 avr. 2024
Institut national des postes et télécommunications - Rabat (Maroc)

ESPOIR is a Moroccan competition that aims at motivating and helping students to understand and experience how engineering plays a vital role in scientific research and innovation. It invites students to work with academic and professional engineering mentors to realize an engineering product and bring it to demo and then allow them to contribute to Morocco’s digital economy and further consolidate the national digital ecosystem. If any of these data is incorrect or you want to add more information, you should access your installation requests page and send us an email about changes in the data.
Discipline scientifique :  Informatique - Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain - Intelligence artificielle - Arithmétique des ordinateurs - Architecture - Automatique - Bio-informatique - Biotechnologie

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