Artificial Evolution 2024

29-31 oct. 2024
Inria center, University of Bordeaux 200 Avenue de la Vieille Tour 33405 Talence France - Bordeaux (France)

EA is an international conference held every two years. EA is dedicated to techniques that simulate natural evolution. Researchers interested by models of natural evolution and complex biological systems are encouraged to submit articles to EA. Authors are invited to submit original papers on, but not limited to, the following topics: - Evolutionary Computation, Evolutionary Optimisation, Coevolution, Natural Computation, Soft Computing. - Artificial Life, Population Dynamics. - Theory, algorithm design and evaluation, implementations, parallelization. - Application of evolutionary paradigms to the real world (life sciences, industry, socio-economic sciences etc.). - Biologically inspired metaheuristics (swarm intelligence, artificial ants, artificial immune systems, cultural algorithms, etc.). - Memetic algorithms, multi-objective optimisation, interactive optimisation, constraint handling, dynamic optimisation, etc. - Hybridisation with other soft computing techniques such as machine learning or fuzzy logic. - Evolutionary robotics, education, visualisation, interactive design and artistic applications.
Discipline scientifique :  Intelligence artificielle - Modélisation et simulation - Recherche opérationnelle

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