Stochastic Geometry Days 2024

27-31 mai 2024
Université de Tours - Tours (France)

The Stochastic Geometry Days 2024 will take place in Tours from May 27 to May 31. This is the twelfth edition. These days previously constituted the annual meetings of the RT GeoSto. This latter merged with RT MIA to form RT MAIAGE. The first part of the conference is dedicated to mini-courses given by Céline Duval (University of Lille) and Mathew Penrose (University of Bath). The following sessions are devoted to plenary and short talks focusing on a wide range of topics in random geometry and its applications to other disciplines. The conference concludes with a special session dedicated to Anne Estrade (University Paris-Descartes).
Discipline scientifique :  Mathématiques

Lieu de la conférence
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