ESSLab+ Seminar 2024

21-23 mai 2024
Hochschule Darmstadt (Dieburg campus) - Darmstadt (Allemagne)

The seminar "Sustainability Science: what's in a name?" is a first onsite event organised by the ESSLab+. Why this seminar? A first look at the publications of EUt+ researchers on sustainability science has shown that there are few common references among them. Therefore, this first seminar is an opportunity to share knowledge from different perspectives on sustainability science and to learn by discussing key scientific issues. The goal of this seminar is to enable our research group to better understand the scope of sustainability science, and get an overview of the scientific methodologies already shared within the community.
Discipline scientifique :  Informatique - Économie et finance quantitative - Sciences de l'environnement - Milieux et Changements globaux - Planète et Univers - Sciences du Vivant - Sciences de l'Homme et Société - Sciences de l'ingénieur

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