Grenoble Artificial Intelligence for Physical Sciences Workshop

29-31 mai 2024
MaCI (Maison de la Création et de l'Innovation), Campus de Saint Martin d'Heres, Univ Grenoble Alpes. - Grenoble (France)

The "GAP2024 : Grenoble Artificial Intelligence for Physical Sciences Workshop" to be held in Grenoble, France, will explore the intersections between machine learning research and the study of physical systems described by systems of differential equations. We expect to gather researchers from machine learning and computational physics and diverse application fields, in order to foster collaborations and strengthen connections within scientific community, and in particular across the alpine arc. Application fields will in particular include climate science, geophysics, solid state physics, and neuroscience. The workshop will feature distinguished keynote speakers who will deliver in-depth lectures on the fundamental concepts and techniques employed (such as PINNs, Simulation Based Inference, neural operators,...) in various research domains where machine learning and physical sciences converge. These presentations will provide a comprehensive overview of the field, equipping participants with the knowledge they need to delve into the specific applications and potential of machine learning in their respective domains.
Discipline scientifique :  Réseau de neurones - Equations aux dérivées partielles

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