MAWI School on Computational methods for ultracold quantum matter
25-29 mars 2024
Location and dates : Grenoble, France March 25th-29th, 2024
Room : LPMMC seminar room (or another room on the CNRS scientific polygone) - Grenoble (France)
Description :
MAWI (Matter-Wave Atom Interferometry) is an European Doctoral Network within the Marie
Sklodowska Curie Action focusing on ultra-cold atoms, matter waves, quantum sensing, and
atomtronics. The goal of the MAWI project is to train young researchers in the emerging fields of matterwave
interferometry and quantum sensors based on interferometric schemes. The striking progress in
the manipulation of matter-waves at ultracold temperatures makes very realistic the possibility that a
new generation of interferometers is implemented with ultracold atoms within a few years, with
sensitivities and performances such to make them not only promising, but actually usable both in
fundamental science and in technological applications. This progress is deeply related to the similarly
remarkable advances in the field of atomtronics, a new field at the frontier of matter-wave optics
seeking to realize atomic circuits in which ultracold atoms are manipulated in versatile optical or
magnetic guides.
Within the MAWI project, the Grenoble node organises a doctoral school for the MAWI PhD students.
The goal of the school is to provide the necessary computational and data analysis tools for both
theorists and experimentalists working in the MAWI project. This school is compulsory for MAWI PhD
students. It is open to other participants from outside the MAWI consortium.
Invited lecturers and school topics are :
• Matthieu Istas (NEEL and LPMMC) « Introduction to Python »
• Luca Pezze’ (LENS, Florence, Italy) « Atom interferometry »
• Markus Holzmann (LPMMC) « Quantum Monte Carlo and machine learning methods for
physics »
• Benoit Vermersch (LPMMC) « Quantum Algorithms »
• Stefano Martina (University of Florence, Italy) « Data analysis and machine learning of datas »
Each course will include 3 hours of lectures and 2 hours of exercises. Participants should bring their
own laptop computer with wifi connection.
Program : the school starts on Monday, March 25th at 9:00 and finishes on Friday, March 29th at 16:30.
Practical information : each participant is asked to organise their travel and stay. A list of suggested
hotels will be provided.
Conference fee : a conference fee of 350 euro is required from each participant. It will cover coffee
breaks and logistics (and depending on total support received, may also contribute to a welcome buffet,
social dinner or excursion on Wednesday afternoon).
The PhD students of the Grenoble Doctoral School of Physics are waived from inscription fee and will
be recognized credits for attendance.
Important dates :
• February 1st, closing of inscriptions
• February 15th, notification of acceptance
• February 22nd, deadline for payment of inscription fees
Discipline scientifique :
Physique - Matière Condensée
Lieu de la conférence