2nd International Conference on Metal-Binding Peptides: Methodologies and Applications

10-12 juil. 2024
Centre d'Enseignement et de Congrès Hôpital Pierre Paul Riquet Avenue Jean Dausset 31000 Toulouse, France - Toulouse (France)


Dear colleagues, The first MBP meeting in Nancy (http://mbp2022-nancy.com/) was a success and many of you wanted to see it continue. We are therefore pleased to announce that the 2nd International Conference on Metal-Binding Peptides will take place from July 10 – 12, 2024, in Toulouse, France. As for the first MBP conference, we have been keen to bring together academic and industrial scientists, and to cover many disciplines around the theme of metals and peptides. Looking forward to meet you in Toulouse, The conference chairs Emilie Mathieu, Research scientist at CNRS, and Christelle Hureau, Research Director at CNRS
Discipline scientifique :  Chimie - Catalyse - Chimie de coordination - Chimie thérapeutique

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