AI in Language Education / (Dis)embodied interActIons

24-25 oct. 2024
Université Paris Nanterre - Nanterre (France)

Advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) are changing how languages are being taught and learned. Existing AI technologies can plan entire lessons for teachers and even provide realistic communication practice for learners; it is therefore important to analyze how these tools are being used and how they are shaping L2 learning experiences. Our aim is to bring together specialists in linguistics, language didactics, education, psychology, communications, and new technologies to discuss and reflect on how this technology is impacting language learning and education in general.
Discipline scientifique :  Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain - Intelligence artificielle - Ordinateur et société - Education - Sciences de l'information et de la communication - Linguistique

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