Digital Labor Perspectives from the Middle East and Africa. 1st conference of the Middle East & Africa chapter of International Network on Digital Labor (INDL)

28-28 mai 2024
The American University in Cairo (AUC) - Le Caire (Égypte)

Digital labor is at the heart of our evolving economies. To address the specific challenges and developments in the Middle East and Africa, we are launching a dedicated chapter of INDL. This conference provides a unique platform to present research related to the MEA region, either ongoing, burgeoning, thus offering opportunities for scholars and practitioners to engage with topics such as platformization, automation, gig economy dynamics, and technology-mediated labor. MEA-INDL will feature three tracks: one in Arabic, one in English, and one in French, reflecting the linguistic diversity of the region.
Discipline scientifique :  Economies et finances - Gestion et management - Science politique - Sociologie

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