11th INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop

25-27 sept. 2024
The Laboratory of Digital Sciences of Nantes (LS2N) 2 Chemin de la Houssinière - Nantes (France)


The Lab of Digital Sciences of Nantes (LS2N), IMT Atlantique and CRC Services, with the support of the National Research Agency of France (ANR), are pleased to announce the call for the 11th INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop (TSL 2024). The workshop will be held in Nantes, France, from September 25 to 27. The main theme of the workshop is: Optimizing Transportation and Logistics under Uncertainty. In the ever evolving world of transportation and logistics, there is a growing need to optimize operations under uncertainty. Decision makers are faced with variable transit times, volatile demand volumes, and fluctuating resource availability. This increases their need for algorithms that can deal with uncertainty. Please note that the TSL Workshop will be preceded by a Doctoral School on the same topic. IMPORTANT DATES Abstract submission extended deadline: 15 April, 2024 (AoE) Notification of acceptance: 31 May 2024 Early bird registration: 11 July 2024 Doctoral school: 22-24 September 2024 TSL Workshop: 25-27 September 2024
Discipline scientifique :  Recherche opérationnelle

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