Charge exchange X-ray Universe 2024

17-21 juin 2024
The workshop will take place at the Domotel Xenia Volos Hotel (, in the coastal city of Volos ( in Greece. - Volos (Grèce)

X-ray emissions by charge exchange (collisions between very highly charged ions and neutral atoms/molecules) are ubiquitous in our Universe, from the solar system, to clusters of galaxies. XMM-Newton, Chandra and Suzaku have accumulated a vast archive of CCD and grating resolution data which are being studied to understand CX emission. Building on this heritage, the SMILE (ESA/CAS) mission (to be launched in 2025) will provide valuable insight on the solar wind CX emission in the Earth's vicinity both for the heliophysics and astrophysics communities. The advent of high-resolution X-ray microcalorimeters, with the recently launched XRISM/Resolve and future (LEM, Athena/X-IFU) X-ray missions, will yield unprecedented high-spectral resolution data and revolutionize our view of CX emission. All these rich resources, will need close collaboration between observers, modellers, theoreticians and experimenters to grasp the details of the CX mechanism, which is still relatively understudied. Two past workshops, at ESAC in Madrid in 2010, and at IAP in Paris in 2012, paved the way for the beginning of such conversations between experts in the phenomenon of CX X-ray emission. This workshop aims to review our current understanding of the mechanism, and bring together the CX communities to build the tools and cooperations that will shape the future of CX X-ray science.
Discipline scientifique :  Astrophysique

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