Summer school : "Nonlinear Quantum Graphs"

17-21 juin 2024
UPHF (Valenciennes) - Valenciennes (France)

Nonlinear Quantum Graphs are metric graphs, i.e. graphs for which edges are considered with a metric structure, equipped with a nonlinear Schrödinger equation. They are of interest both from the physical point of view, as they are simplified model of the dynamics in elongated structures, and the mathematical point of view, as their analysis poses new and interesting challenges. Nonlinear Quantum Graphs have been the object of intensive investigations these last years. The goal of this school is to introduce the participants to this topic. Both analytical and numerical perspectives will be adopted. The courses will be given by S. Dovetta, R. Goodman, D. Mugnolo and D. Noja. More precise informations soon.
Discipline scientifique :  Mathématiques - Equations aux dérivées partielles

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