Machine Learning for Geometry

26-26 oct. 2023
Institut Henri Poincaré - Amphithéatre Hermite, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris - IHP, Paris (France)

As part of the thematic year on "Geometry" spearheaded by the GdRs IM and IG-RV, a workshop on Machine Learning for Geometry will be held on October 26th 2023 at the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris. This workshop aims to gather the broad community working around computational aspects of geometry (including, but no limited to, computational geometry, geometric modeling, and digital geometry) through Machine Learning, in order to share recent advances, identify new trends, and foster new developments & collaborations.
Discipline scientifique :  Intelligence artificielle - Géométrie algorithmique - Apprentissage - Machine Learning

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