CREAMS - CREep Across Materials and Scales

9-10 nov. 2023
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Paris, France - Marne-la-Vallée, France (France)

In many engineering projects, structures and large constructions are designed for lifespans of decades or even hundreds of years. Among the causes of delayed deformations in these projects are creep phenomena, encompassing all irreversible and delayed deformations in materials when subjected to constant stresses. As a result, creep can lead to significant deformations in certain structures (e.g., tunnel excavation projects, storage galleries, etc.). It is essential to consider creep from the early stages of design, not only to ensure the safety of personnel during construction but also to ensure the feasibility, safety, and sustainability of long-term operation. Creep affects a wide range of materials. Even at the scale of a structure, it is linked to complex deformations in the microstructure, influenced by stress, chemical, thermal, and environmental effects. Its study requires the implementation of multidisciplinary, multiscale, and multiphysical approaches. Building on current advancements, the primary objective of this workshop is to highlight how each community addresses the issue of creep in materials. During the workshop, various theoretical approaches, experimental characterization methods, as well as different constitutive models will be reviewed. An emphasis is put on the multiphysical and multiscale effects on the long-term behaviour of materials.
Discipline scientifique :  Matériaux - Mécanique

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