TOCHA Winter School "Topological Electronics and Bosonics : from Concepts to Devices"

28 janv.-2 févr. 2024
TOCHA's winter school will take place at the Centre Paul Langevin in Aussois (France) Centre CNRS Paul Langevin, 24 rue du Coin, 73300 Aussois Tél : +33 4 79 20 33 86 - Aussois (France)

This winter school is organized by the EU project TOCHA (Dissipationless topological channels for information transfer and quantum metrology). A major goal is to develop the next generation of topological devices and architectures across which information can flow without losses. This simple concept, yet technologically and fundamentally challenging, is crucial for developing some emergent technologies for information processing, quantum communication and metrology. TOCHA gathers a young consortium and fosters the creation of a new community in Europe on the use of topology for Information and Communication Technologies. This brings together leading researchers in differents fields, such as materials science, electronics, photonics, acoustics, magnetism, spintronics. The school programme aims at reviewing both the fundamentals of topological chiral states realized in compact condensed-matter systems, either with fermions or bosons, and the most advanced research towards the realization of functional topological devices for applications in metrology and advanced technologies. Beyond the goal to give a complete overview in this field, including the most recent developments and remaining challenges, the school should set the grounds for future developments driven by an enlarged community, targeting the rise of a new branch of versatile quantum information technologies based on topological matter.
Discipline scientifique :  Science des matériaux - Systèmes mésoscopiques et effet Hall quantique

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